My Yalp

Safe and inclusive kids playground equipment

Playground equipment for children and those young at heart

Playgrounds are safe places for children to have fun and express themselves. They are vital to a child’s development. Yalp Interactive playground equipment are diverse and always changing. We use modern technology to offer new and exciting play possibilities. At Yalp Interactive, we see interactive play as the interface between the digital and the real world. ‘Gaming in the physical world.’ The gaming world offers imagination, learning, fun, variety, the excitement of reaching the next level, and the possibility to adapt levels to an individual player. The physical world brings physical activity, social interaction, community involvement, and the rewarding feeling of being outdoors. Combining both worlds brings our development to the next level. We consider interactive play the ‘best of both worlds.’

“There is no more need for an activity leader. The kids and youngsters can entertain themselves.”

– Chiel Palstring – Managing director camping ‘t Rheezerwold

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What our interactive products have to offer to children!

Yalp Sona Interactive dance and play arch

The Sona includes various exciting and supportive games, such as a dance competition, a game where children have to keep a sequence of numbers, or a lightning-fast racetrack. The game begins, and the children can start right away. With each game, the levels build up in difficulty keeping the games exciting, and children make up their own rules; the game remains challenging at all times. We also regularly develop new games that adapt to the changing world of children.

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Yalp Memo Interactive play pillars

The Memo provides a lot of fun in a confined space and encourages gamification. Gamification is the application of game thinking and game techniques and shows you can quickly learn new things without using guides or manuals. Although the Memo may be a technically advanced playset, its operation is child-friendly and intuitive.

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Yalp Sutu Interactive ball wall

The Sutu brings children out into the fresh air and, at the same time, motivates them to exercise healthily and have fun. It’s accessible to all players, and its intuitive operation is easy to understand. The games have different levels and degrees of difficulty.

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Yalp Toro Interactive sports arena

Add action to the playground with the Yalp Toro Interactive sports arena. Toro is a colorful sports field where four interactive goals have replaced the traditional goals. These provide maximum fun, intensive movement, and tactical learning.

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Yalp+ is a free (web)app accessible on for the Yalp interactives where users can enjoy more play possibilities.

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Playground games for kids

Our Research & Development team has developed a wide range of games for our interactive sports and play equipment. From skill training games on the Sutu and Toro (e.g., target practice or ball control games) to educational games on the Memo (e.g., language or mathematics games).

All of our playground games for kids are designed to stimulate children. Our team is continuously improving existing and developing new game content. This way, the Yalp Interactive playsets always remain up-to-date and fun as our game store keeps growing.

Kid’s playground equipment

Yalp Interactive playsets are designed for people of all ages and abilities. But what makes our playground equipment suitable for children is that they are interactive, inclusive, and, most of all, fun!


As the global leader in the interactive play industry, we think that interactive play is more than pure electronic play and being able to generate sounds or light. Of course, children can be stimulated when they suddenly hear a bird chirping after stepping onto a platform or by chasing light patterns that appear on tiles, but typically it won’t make children hang around. To us, interactive play is so much more than that. It is not a basic reaction to a particular activity. Two-way information flow is critical to interactive play.

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Kid’s playground equipment should be as diverse as our communities, and as our interactive playsets are genuinely inclusive and multigenerational, it is easy to achieve. Inclusive play aims to fulfill the needs of all users, but with every user being different, this ends up being a cursed design problem. It creates a conflict between the needs of the users.

Thankfully our products lend themselves to be able to offer a play solution for diverse users and their needs.



“Please, can I go one more time?” is a phrase you might hear in a playground from a child to a parent. We love to hear that from everyone playing our products because it means someone is having fun. We like to include the ‘one-more-time-effect’ in all our designs. Fun is a top priority because if it’s not fun, no one will play, and you can forget about the other four principles.

Read about the secret ingredients of our interactive playsets

Safe by design and law

A playground needs to be fun and safe. And with safe, we mean safe to play and offer a feeling of safety where a child can discover and develop his/her abilities in a fun way.

We’ve been creating safe playgrounds since 1970, and Yalp is one of the active members advising the Dutch government on safety standards. We comply with the international safety standards concerning playground safety (NEN EN 1176). This means the products do not contain sharp edges, are very stable and able to withstand high forces, do not have finger entrapment or other dangerous elements, and children can not fall from high altitudes and get hurt. 

All of the Yalp Interactive playground equipment are certified on electronic safety. For example, the international standard on electronic safety IEC 62368-1 for electrical and electronic equipment within the field of audio, video, information, and communication technology.

That means our equipment is tested on never causing dangerous electronic situations. Our products have proven to have enough safety measures against power failures of any type, uses internationally certified components of a high grade, and is resistant to water, dust, and other external factors that can cause dangerous situations. Our products are also tested against electromagnetic and radio interference, which means they are within the law’s boundaries on emitting frequencies.

Our products operate at a low voltage and are insulated against electric discharge, making them entirely safe for use.

Discover more about our quality playground equipment

Fun is getting a new name

Until now, you’ve known us as Yalp, but in 2024, we’re undergoing an exciting transformation into Lappset. But not much will change! We remain steadfast in our commitment to our core values. We are thrilled to operate as a brand that has more than 50 years of experience and, like us, embodies a strong culture and work ethic. Yalp becomes Lappset: Movement for every heartbeat.