My Yalp

Yalp Sutu & Toro | Doorn, The Netherlands

Holiday park RCN 'Het Grote Bos'

Expectations of the average visitor have risen exponentially

“As an entrepreneur, you always have to think at least one step ahead, or at least think of something different not to lose customers.” The expectations of the average visitor have risen exponentially. Which has led to owners of recreational facilities to invest in more and better play equipment to make sure those customers keep coming back. In the park and recreation sector, like a holiday park, for instance, this rings true. It is of utmost importance to stand out from the competition to keep enticing new and existing customers to return.

The management of the holiday park RCN Het Grote Bos in Doorn, The Netherlands, knows this very well. The park converted one of their tennis courts into a modern sportsfield because the old tennis courts had fewer visitors. The new field is home to the Yalp Toro and the Yalp Sutu and allows 50 children to play simultaneously, which promotes socialization, coherence, and team-work.

"Interactive play brings the challenging variety and social interaction that we wanted at our park."

Yalp Sona - Holiday Park RCN 'Het Grote Bos' - Doorn, the Netherlands

Yalp Sona - Holiday Park RCN 'Het Grote Bos' - Doorn, the Netherlands

Yalp Sutu - Holiday Park RCN 'Het Grote Bos' - Doorn, the Netherlands

Yalp Sutu - Holiday Park RCN 'Het Grote Bos' - Doorn, the Netherlands

Yalp Toro - Holiday Park RCN 'Het Grote Bos' - Doorn, the Netherlands

Yalp Toro - Holiday Park RCN 'Het Grote Bos' - Doorn, the Netherlands

Variety and interaction

The interactive sportsfield increases the level of the duration and the stays at the RCN holiday park.


“A seesaw or a climbing frame, which can be found on more or less every street corner in any residential area, just don’t cut it anymore. For the youngest children, our game locomotive is excellent, but all the cool children from ages 6 to 17 want something different, something more suited to them.


“Interactive play brings the challenging variety and social interaction that we wanted at our park,” says Park Administrator Timo van Drie. He continues saying: “Last year, we had our first ever experience with an interactive playset, the Yalp Sona Interactive dance and play arch. At first, we were a bit hesitant about whether this investment would pay off, but after the high season, the value of this interactive was confirmed. It was a great success! When we were looking for a new, modern replacement for our tennis court this season, the decision was practically made for us.”

Even the turnovers of restaurants are growing!

Besides the positive reactions from parents like: “Finally we can relax on holiday, our children are entertained for the whole day.” The playground at RCN is an excellent investment. Timo van Drie tells us: “With this playground, we are attracting more and more visitors, and the turnovers of the restaurants in the surrounding areas are also growing. The investment is also great for my entertainment team; the interactive playsets don’t need supervision so that the team can focus more on the other children not using the playsets. The playsets were a real investment and have already proven their worth. The playground is now perfect!”

"We are attracting more and more visitors and the turnovers of the restaurants in the surrounding areas are also growing!"

Fun is getting a new name

Until now, you’ve known us as Yalp, but in 2024, we’re undergoing an exciting transformation into Lappset. But not much will change! We remain steadfast in our commitment to our core values. We are thrilled to operate as a brand that has more than 50 years of experience and, like us, embodies a strong culture and work ethic. Yalp becomes Lappset: Movement for every heartbeat.