My Yalp

Yalp Memo - Hellerup, Denmark

Science Center Experimentarium

Boost your science knowledge through interactive play at the Experimentarium

At Denmark’s Experimentarium, the world-class science center located in Hellerup, north of Copenhagen, the Yalp Memo Interactive play pillars have been installed on their roof terrace.

Experimentarium (established in 1991) provides families, schools, and science lovers in general and of all ages with high-quality science exhibitions. Visitors can touch, play, and experience science in an innovative new way. The Yalp Interactive playsets fit perfectly with the vision of Experimentarium, high-tech innovative play equipment that adapts to the needs and desires of the present.

Experimentarium is a non-profit foundation whose aim is to stimulate people’s interest in science and technology and increase their awareness of methods and results within science and technology. Their target audience is the entire population, with a particular focus on children and young people. The exhibitions introduce visitors to phenomena from all corners of science and technology: soap bubbles, light, sound, vision, innovation – all collected in this world-class science center.

"With the new roof terrace furnished with the interactive playset, the Experimentarium now also has an outdoor attraction that connects movement with technology, mathematics, and music."

Yalp Memo - Rooftop installation at the Science Museum Experimentarium

Yalp Memo - Rooftop installation at the Science Museum Experimentarium

Exceed visitors’ expectations

Knowledge and curiosity come alive with a hands-on approach. Therefore, everything is designed to be touched at Experimentarium, so that play and learning always go hand in hand. As a result, complex issues take on particular relevance, and visitors go home slightly wiser about themselves and the world we live in. The world is continuously evolving. The way kids experience and what they demand of playing these days outdoors is very different nowadays.

The Yalp Interactive playsets combine the positive aspects of video games (excitement, hand-eye coordination, problem-solving skills, and creativity, sharing the joy of competition) with the positive aspects of outdoor play (being outdoors, exercise, pushing limits, and the development of social skills). The Yalp Interactive playsets combine “the best of both worlds” into one, and therefore are such a valuable addition to this unique location.


Fun is getting a new name

Until now, you’ve known us as Yalp, but in 2024, we’re undergoing an exciting transformation into Lappset. But not much will change! We remain steadfast in our commitment to our core values. We are thrilled to operate as a brand that has more than 50 years of experience and, like us, embodies a strong culture and work ethic. Yalp becomes Lappset: Movement for every heartbeat.